Quality Verification Engineering

Wick Drains

Wick drains are an established solution to reducing the consolidation times in cohesive soils. Urkkada has over 20 years of experience in performing Quality Verification Engineering on wick drain projects on large structures and highways. We can also provide design recommendations and value engineering solutions to minimize construction cost and settlement duration.

Deep Foundations and Support of Excavation

In addition to our design services for these structures, we also provide QVE services for outside designs. Our staff will determine testing requirements, perform logging and testing, and issue Certificates of Conformance for the structures.


Expanded Polystyrene Fills

Expanded polystyrene fills is a low weight material that can reduce the loading on soils, and reduce lateral pressure on retaining structures. Urkkada has extensive experience with the QVE process of layout and installation of  polystyrene structures.